Spring Fever Book Tag + An Announcement!

I didn't mean to make the title the exact same as the original website I got this from, but whatever 🤣. Thank you to Deigan Marie for starting this up! what is your favorite spring book? Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen! Especially because of the 2005 movie adaptation, this book totally has spring vibes.…

My Most Anticipated Books of 2024

Hi all! Today I'd like to share the books that are coming out in '24 that I am HYPED FOR!!!! As a result of getting into the writing world, I've been privileged to hear about projects authors are working on, and I am always happy to support authors who are trying to get their books out into the world. So here we go!

My Top Book Recs of 2023

Howdy! About halfway through 2023, I did a list of my top book recommendations, so I thought I'd do another post of my book recommendations for the entire year. Last year I did little to no reading (at least it feels that way LOL) but this year I've read A LOT because we've finally started going to a library again. And I've read a lot of good books. So here we go!

Book Review: Coral by Sara Ella

Happy Tuesday! I hope you all have been staying warm. I myself have been constantly relying on tea and sweaters 😂 But before we get to Coral's book blurb, I do have a warning; Coral's main theme is mental health, so there are many mentions of suicide and self-harm (which I will be discussing) and…